🚀 PeopleHub Lite is back! 🚀
In collaboration with FUSE, we are excited that PeopleHub Lite is back for a casual yet insightful sharing session with experts in the HR field to discuss and explore more on the topic of:
Talent and Rewards:
✨ The Symbiosis of Talent Management and Employee Benefits ✨
📅 Tuesday, 4 June 2024
⏰ 1.30 – 3.00 PM
📍 Zoom Meeting
Join us in discussing how impactful employee benefit packages are to affect talent’s decision to stay at a company for a long period of time. We’ll also be sharing about the tips and tricks to ensure a well-developed career.
With speakers:
😎 Suryo Sasono – Chief Talent Officer Bukalapak
😎 Ricky Surya Putra – AVP Talent Acquisition & People Strategy Mekari
Moderated by:
👩🏻🦰 Wulan Ranny
What are you waiting for? Go ahead and click on the link, or scan the QR code to register yourself. Don’t forget to also add this event to your calendar so you won’t miss out! ✅✨