Pricing package

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Choose the products you want to purchase as a bundle
Icon by Mekari Mekari Talenta
Mekari Jurnal - Logomark - RGB Mekari Jurnal
Icon by Mekari Mekari Klikpajak
Mekari Qontak - Logomark - RGB Mekari Qontak
Icon by Mekari Mekari Sign
Icon by Mekari Mekari Flex
Icon by Mekari Mekari Capital
Icon by Mekari Mekari Pay
Icon by Mekari Mekari Expense
The bundled products you selected:
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Icon by Mekari Mekari Talenta
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Mekari Jurnal - Logomark - RGB Mekari Jurnal
Start from Rp399,000 /month
Icon by Mekari Mekari Klikpajak
Start from Rp250,000 /month
Mekari Qontak - Logomark - RGB Mekari Qontak
Start from Rp249,000 /month
Icon by Mekari Mekari Sign
Start from Rp465,000 /month
Icon by Mekari Mekari Flex
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Icon by Mekari Mekari Capital
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Icon by Mekari Mekari Pay
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Icon by Mekari Mekari Expense
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Pricing based on products and services

For details of package offers and features, you can click on one of the products of your choice

Core Product

The best SaaS product innovation for your business

You will be directed to a separate pricing page for each product by clicking on each product option.

Image Mekari

Comprehensive services for business acceleration

You will be directed to a separate pricing page for each product by clicking on each product option.

Image Mekari
Supporting Innovation

Innovation support for key products in the Mekari ecosystem

You will be directed to a separate pricing page for each product by clicking on each product option.

Image Mekari

Business platform within the best and safest ecosystem

Image by Mekari

Support services and community forums

Supports across 6 communication channels, with the customer-centric community and empowerment programs in the Mekari ecosystem.


Scalability and Flexibility

Our products and services designed to suit the business needs and complexities with customization and integration via Open API.


Access and Security

We ensure the access control of each platforms, and certified security system based on the international standard procedure.


Data & Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Centralization and continuous development guarantee on each platform through the easier, faster, and accurate decision making system.


Multichannel customer support

Trusted after-sales service and product training support that can be accessed on various communication channels.


Community Empowerment

Various events, networking and collaboration with various expert practitioners in the Mekari Community and Mekari Event

Infuse agility into your business

“After using Mekari Talenta and Mekari Jurnal, the system’s ROI is clearly significant. I believe we’ve saved at least 30% of the time typically spent on FAT and talent management.”

Ellen PranataCEO, KLAR Smile

“As an influential decision maker, it matters a lot to me. Relevant financial reports are available from Jurnal, and reviews, promotions, bonuses, OKR, and KPI-based performance tracking are all provided by Talenta.”

Ivan TambunanCEO, Akseleran
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is Mekari?

Mekari is a leading SaaS provider in Indonesia, offering a range of cloud-based software, contextual financial services, and professional services to help businesses of all sizes grow and succeed.

What are the benefits of using Mekari products?

Mekari products offer several benefits, including:

  • Improved efficiency and productivity: Mekari products help businesses automate tasks, simplify workflows, and enhance communication and collaboration, allowing employees to focus on more strategic work.
  • Cost reduction: Mekari products assist businesses in saving money on IT costs, software licenses, and other expenditures.
  • Enhanced compliance: Mekari products aid businesses in complying with complex regulations and avoiding costly fines.
  • Improved scalability: Mekari products can scale to meet the needs of growing businesses, allowing them to focus on growth without worrying about their IT infrastructure.

Yes, we offer free trials and demos for most of our products. Visit our website and click on each product logo in the product section to learn more and sign up for a free trial.

We provide a variety of pricing packages to meet the needs of businesses across all industries and segments. Our pricing is based on the number of users, features, and support levels. You can choose between monthly or annual packages according to your business requirements.

Absolutely! You have the flexibility to upgrade, downgrade, or switch between our Cloud-Based Software products at any time to better suit your business needs.

We’ve got it covered! Our Professional Services are available to provide the support and training you need for a smooth implementation and usage.

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