Revolving Financing

Financing support accessible at any time

Grow your business and fulfill its needs with Revolving Financing from Mekari Capital without any collaterals.

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Practical solution to encourage business growth

  • Collateral-free
    Up to 12 months installment term with no collaterals required.
  • Financing up to 1 billion rupiah
    Get a financing limit of up to 1 billion rupiah.
  • Accessible at any time
    The financing limits can be accessed at any time according to your business needs.
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How to apply for Revolving Financing from Mekari Capital

  • Apply for financing online via the Mekari Jurnal dashboard
  • After the application is approved, the financing limit will be available in your account
  • Request for a certain financing amount according to your business needs
  • Once the amount is approved, the finance will be immediately sent to your Mekari Pay account

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Revolving Financing by Mekari Capital?

Revolving Financing is a type of financing with a certain limit, where the applicants can disburse the finance repeatedly according to the specified limit, and repay it according to the term determined at the beginning.

The main requirements to apply for Mekari Capital Revolving Financing includes have subscribed to Mekari Jurnal for at least 3 months and complete the required supporting information and documents, as follows:

  • Individual as applicant:
    1. Soft copy of the owner’s ID card (KTP)
    2. Selfie photo + owner’s ID card
    3. Electronic bank statement (last 6 months)
    4. Profit and loss and financial balance report (last 1 year)
  • PT/CV business entities as applicant:
    1. Soft copy of the owner/director’s ID card (KTP)
    2. Soft copy of company NPWP
    3. Soft copy of Deed of Establishment + Decree of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, along with all amendments + Decree of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the amendments (if any)
    4. Soft copy of business permit/Business Identification Number (NIB)
    5. Electronic bank statement (last 6 months)
    6. Profit and loss and financial balance report (last 1 year)


The maximum amount of financing that can be provided is 1 billion rupiah, the value of which is determined by your creditworthiness based on the transaction history in your Mekari Jurnal account.

The interest rate starts from 1.75%–2% with admin/provision fee of 0.7% per month or prorated from the financing term.

Manage business cash flow seamlessly with Mekari Capital

Easy access to accelerate business growth without a time-consuming financing application process.

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