Jojonomic is now
joining Mekari

The best match known to accelerate
digital transformation together!


We are thrilled to announce that Jojonomic has officially joined forces with Mekari, Indonesia’s leading SaaS solutions provider.

This marks the beginning to deliver Jojonomic’s innovative mission to a wider audience of businesses across Indonesia; combine our strengths and expertise to create more comprehensive and integrated solutions; unleash a steady stream of new solutions to fuel your business growth.

To our incredible Jojonomic community

This is an exciting new chapter for Jojonomic, and we wouldn’t be here without all of you! Your unwavering support, innovative ideas, and sheer enthusiasm have made this journey an unforgettable adventure.

From the very beginning, you believed in our vision of empowering businesses with a no-code solution for building custom applications. You took a chance on us, and your trust has fueled our passion for building Jojonomic (and hopefully, made building applications a breeze for you!).

We hope you’ve enjoyed using our Officeless Operating System (OOS) platform as much as we’ve enjoyed creating and growing it with you. As we embark on this next chapter with Mekari, one thing remains unchanged: our commitment to making your business dreams a reality.

Stay tuned for exciting developments ahead!

With heartfelt gratitude,
Samiaji Prasetya A. CEO Jojonomic
â’¸2024 PT. JOJO NOMIC INDONESIA. All Right Reserved.
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